Covid-19 Policy

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Prevention & Control Policy

Please take time to read this policy through carefully prior to visiting the salon.

Providing a Safe Environment

  • Only 1 client will be allowed in the salon area at any one time.
  • All visitors will be asked to scan the NHS Covid-19 QR Code if they have the NHS App.
  • I will be unable to offer magazines for customer use at this time. 
  • Water and hot beverages will be available in disposable cups.


  • I have installed a "Sanitisation Station" in the foyer and hand sanitiser will be available in other parts of the salon for client and staff use.
  • The salon areas will be cleaned and disinfected between each client.
  • Tools will continue to be cleaned and disinfected in between each client.
  • Additional waste bins have been provided to ensure safe disposal of salon waste.

Protective Personal Equipment (PPE)

  • Where necessary staff with be equipped with the required PPE.
  • The nail desk and tanning booth are eqipped with extraction systems to keep the air clean.

What you can do to help

  • If you or anyone in your household is showing signs of Covid-19 please contact the salon and cancel your appointment, even at short notice.
  • Please contact me if you are unable to attend alone or require assistance.
  • Please ensure that you arrive promptly for your appointment. If you do have to arrive early, please either wait in your car or take a seat in the area provided in the foyer. 
  • On arrival please wait until you are invited upstairs into the salon to avoid risk of crossing over with the previous customer.
  • I will be checking temperatures on arrival with a non-contact thermometer.
  • Clients will be asked to santisise their hands on arrival and departure from the salon.
  • Please bring your own face covering. I have a limited number of disposable masks if you don't have your own.
  • Please bring minimum personal items and avoid the use of mobile phones. You will be asked to place any items such as handbags into a sanitised tray for your own protection.
  • Card payments are preferable but cash will still be accepted.

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